Friday 7 October 2016

The Little Piece Of Stone !

The wind whispers something into my ear, 
 And the stars speak about someone really dear,
The rain brings a message that is truly sincere, 
All this may surely sound highly austere,
But it means a lot to the piece of stone, in here.

The birds sing a very sweet song,
That promises a company for lifelong,
And I know they will always tag 'long,
'cause our bond is really very strong,
All this from the little piece of stone, to us which belongs.

Finally, now the moon has arrived,
With a gift of love that is so divine,
That means so much to my heart which is asinine,
Even if it may be of stone tis' mine,
But all these bright things changed it into so genuine,
Now the piece of stone is gold just because of the sweet little time.

PS: Please forgive me for the stupid ending as no awesome line,
        came to my mind!

                        Finally, I worked this poem out! It was so difficult. I mean Hats Off to the poets! I have an all new respect ignited in me for them. Anyways, getting back to my poem. Recently so many incidents occurred and they compelled me to compose a poem for my blog. ( At least we can say that my life is very happening!!) Such sweet incidents that the stupidest creature in  the world or rather in this context the little piece of stone changed into a gold!  I will write about those incidents someday when I have a good mug of coffee and am really high on caffeine. That would be the perfect day to write an intense blog! 

It also gives me immense happiness to see that people all over the world are reading my blog and are liking it. Well, it is natural for the writer to be on "ninth heaven" if his or her readers love the blog! So I would request all of you to publicize my blog if you like it because with " The Teenage Post" I wish to reach out to as many teens as I can!

But, hold on! It is not that I always get good comments and feedbacks, I also get negative comments and they are also accepted with a open heart. No Fouls! No Rules! But did you all notice something, I didn't stop after getting negative remarks I kept writing. Whatever happens why should I stop writing? When I write I am in another world where no one can stop me, no one can manipulate me, no one can abuse me, no one can catch me and I am not ready to give this world up just because of a negative comment! No I will not do that! People are different, Their tastes are different! Instead I will keep writing with you readers in my mind who like reading my blog, who comment on my blog, who motivate me to continue writing my blog! It doesn't matter what others think, What really matters is what you, yourself think! Ignore the rest (Well, not really)! Every time I start writing a blog I have just 3 things in my mind, firstly to drink some coffee then to ignore AND forget about all the negative comments or remarks and last but the most important to kick some ass (By my writing for sure!)!  Guys, all you have to do is to cheat on your fears, break up with your doubts, get engaged to you faith and lastly marry your dreams! And do all this by avoiding the negative remarks which hold you down. The people are mostly like crabs, If they see someone rising up the pull them down. So forget about these 'crabby'(crappy) people and keep moving on! Just keep one thing in mind! If you can't fly you have to run, if you can't run you have to jog, if you can't jog you have to walk, if you can' walk then crawl but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward, just like a shooting star that never waits for anything and in the end shines so bright that people ask it to fulfill their wishes! So many times I wish if I could live my life without making any wrong turns. In reality, a path like that doesn't exist! You fall. You get lost. You make mistakes but always get up and live! And as it is, an old saying does go on..."Life is like photography, You develop from the negatives."
       So all the teens out there, I have got one piece of advice for you!
 Dream big! 
Work hard!
Stay focused!
Surround yourself with good people.

And, Trust me on one thing that worry and negativity are a complete misuse of your imagination! Keep moving on...because life is a beautiful journey and it shouldn't be wasted just because of any negatives!!! So tell yourself that, 
You Rock!
You Rule!


PPS: I am planning to do a viewers blog in which I will post your views on political issues so feel free to contact me! You can mail me at or else send a hangouts message or even DM me on Instagram or else the comments window is always open for you! 

PPPS: Please leave your comments and suggestions below. They are really appreciated! Thanks for reading this post! Bye!